Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sun Miami TD24, ooh boy.

I must have that. It is beautiful.

For sale at Madison Cycles:
Sun Miami Traditional 24, Vinyl Coated Basket, Single Speed, Front Fenders, Full Reflectors, Handbrake + Emergency brake, Weight Limit 250 LBS. $400 + tax.
Too beautiful. Must have.

Gas Vs. Electricity

So most people online wonder what the big difference is with Gas bikes and Electric bikes.
So, differences:
Gas bikes are a lot faster. They are also easier to install on your bike. But, you have to mix oil in with the gas. They're not as strong as batteries at full charge, but they'll get you where you need to go without a loss of speed because it loses gas.

Electric bikes lose speed as they lose battery power and are a lot more expensive. The batteries themself take up most of the cost. It costs less than gas to recharge but also takes up to 12 hours to charge. That's not good if you're in a rush to get to somewhere. It's good for very short commutes, but not longer trips. Also, you can't pull trailers with electric bikes. It simply doesn't have the power unlike gas engines.

So there's the big difference. Don't take e-bikes too far, and do take g-bikes too far.
Fresh blog.
I have wanted to do this for a while. This blog is mainly for family and friends.
Soo... Enjoy the upcoming posts!